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E-Commerce has marked its existence all over the world. It is in an evolving stage in India, a developing country having strong internet user base and the state of affairs indicate a boom with notable opportunities. The mode of doing business is being influenced and greatly transformed by E-Commerce. The transformation involves attractive and convenient shopping options for the consumers involved in business. E-Commerce industry has the power to develop innovative, sustainable, consistent and smooth shopping experience round the channel. In the present situation, it can be seen that many Indian businesses started adopting E-Commerce instead of depending on physical presence and advertising. E-Commerce is emerging as an important concept and integral part of the society.

E-Commerce is a concept involving consumers, business and the government for the development and upliftment of the business concerns. It is expanding to almost every sector for providing smooth and hassle-free service. In this Book, an attempt has been taken to understand impact and effectiveness of E-Commerce in three perspectives major i.e., Consumer, Business and Government which plays a vital role in the establishment of E-Commerce.




Weight 0.300 kg
Dimensions 22 × 15 × 2 cm

Dr. Ashamayee Mishra


Namya press




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